Cupra Marittima – ideal place for the lovers of all kinds of summer sports

Cupra Marittima is a small resort located in the Central Italian region of Marche. It is a part of the Palm Riviera, which stretches along the Adriatic Sea. The town Cupra Marittima has been discovered by elite wealthy tourists in the early 20th century and has since developed and opened to the regular visitors as well.
Today the town is very well organized and embedded into the surrounding area. Tourists are enchanted especially by its charm and a family atmosphere.
Photo licensed under the Creative Commons, created by pizzodisevo
Cupra Marittima, as one of the few places in Marche, contains a balanced sample of different architectural styles, from Romanesque through Baroque to modern. You should not forget to look at the remains of the castle of Sant’Andrea of 13th century, where there is an open-air theatre now.
Interesting is also the College of San Basso, where is stored a works of Italian painter Vittorio Crivelli. To see something unusual, you should visit Museo Malacologico Piceno where you can admire mussels, clams and shellfish from all around the world.
In Cupra Marittima, of course, you can enjoy a quiet beach with fine white sand, surrounded by pines and palm trees. It is ideal for the lovers of all kinds of summer sports.
For those loving great and delicious meals would enjoy interesting festival of BarbeCupra, which takes place every summer here. As it is probably certain from its name, it is a barbecue party. In the past, the organizers even got into the Guinness Book of World Records for longest barbecue in the world.
Ladies would surely be interested in Cera di Cupra, a world known brand that produces mostly cosmetic preparations for anti-wrinkle and skin cleansing. This pharmacist are coming right from Cupra Marittima.
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