Pelagian Islands – a group of three small islands between Sicily and Africa

The Pelagian Islands are an isolated archipelago that is situated in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. The islands are located just over two hundred kilometres off from the Sicilian coastline but only a little more than a hundred kilometres from the coasts of Africa.
Home to just over four thousand residents, the Pelagian Islands have grown to become a very popular destination along the Mediterranean. There are three islands in the archipelago that includes Lampedusa, Linosa as well as Lampione.
Amazing beach in Lampedusa by Silvia Albini
Lampedusa – the largest island of the Pelagian Islands
The largest island in the archipelago is that of Lampedusa. It is also the main destination for most people who make their way to the isolated group of islands.
The island is surrounded by some of the finest sand beaches in the Mediterranean and the seas that surround Lampedusa are pristine and crystal clear throughout the year. It is also home to the only hotels and restaurants on the Pelagian Islands.
The beaches at Lampedusa by Sicilia!
Diving is a very popular attraction here, and this is why the most people are coming to the Pelagian Islands. There are a number of excellent locations to explore around the islands.
The crystal clear waters that surround the island attract countless pods of dolphins as well. There are also a number of shipwrecks laying in the bottom of the surrounding area for one to check out.
Very attractive is the area of Isola dei Conigli (Island of Rabbits) that is a small islet just at the coast of Lampedusa. The island is also known as a nesting ground for the endangered Loggerhead Sea Turtles. The locals of the island take a lot of pride in the fact that the turtles have chosen their site to lay their eggs.
Isola dei Conigli, Lampedusa, Pelagian Islands, Sicily, Italy by Luca Siragusa
Linosa – a home to a number of vulcanoes
Linosa Island is the closest of the three Pelagian Islands to the coastlines of Africa. It is also home to a number of volcanoes. In the centre of the island one can find the three craters of Monte Nero, Monte Rosso as well as Monte Vulcano, and also one small crater known as Craterino (50 m).
The peak of Monte Vulcano is the tallest of the three and sits only 195 meters above the level of the sea. The peak of Monte Rosso is only 186 meters above sea level while Monte Nero sits only 107 meters above the level of the sea.
The volcanic island of Linosa, Pelagian Islands, Sicily, Italy by piervincenzocanale
Most of the island’s coastlines are covered with jagged cliffs that tower above the sea. However, there is one beach on Linosa which has become a very popular attraction. The beach known as Gaia Pozzolana is composed entirely of black volcanic sand.
It is here where one of the few remaining nesting grounds of the endangered Loggerhead Sea Turtles. Because of the temperature of the black sand, every turtle born on the Linosa is a female.
Linosa island, Pelagian Islands by Sicilia!
Lampione – the smallest of the Pelagian Islands
Lampione is the smallest of the Pelagian Islands and is uninhabited. However, there are some beautiful places on the island of Lampione to explore. There are several small boats that travel between the main island of Lampedusa and Lampione throughout the day for those who want to get away from the overly crowded Isola dei Conigli.
Lampione islet, Pelagian Islands, Sicily, Italy by Jeffrey Sciberras