Chioggia (small Venice)

chioggia veneto italy laguna veneta

Chioggia called also small Venice is a small penisula between Laguna Veneta and river Po, near to Venice. The city center is situated on a islands group through canals an bridges. Chioggia lools like Venice, but small different also because in Chioggia you can see cars and public transport. The rest of the city is situated hinterland and includes foci

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Free Things to Do In Naples

Naples, Campania, Italy

Naples, the third largest city in Italy, is ideally snuggled between a dormant volcano and Campi Flegrei. This one of the major cities in Italy impresses visitors with palm fringed boulevards and striking museums and churches. The inhabitants are enthusiastic and welcoming that shows tourists will enjoy every moment of their stay in the city. Here we list free things

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Discover Venice on a budget!

Gondolas in Venice (as seen from Rialto bridge), Veneto, Italy

Venice, once the thriving merchant centre of the world, is today considered to be a living, breathing museum. As an art historian I am fascinated by the 117 islands that form the Italian cultural heritage site. As a postgraduate student I must stick to a tight budget when travelling abroad. The city thrives on tourism and a trip to Venice

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Cascate del Serio – Italy’s tallest waterfalls (315 meters)

Cascate del Serio, Italy

Located just outside of Valbondione, a small village in the northern part of Italy only 100 kilometres from Milan, you will find the tallest waterfall in the whole of Italy, known as Cascate del Serio (followed by Cascata delle Marmore and Cascata dell’Aniene). Composed of three main portions, the Cascate del Serio is more than 315 meters in height. The

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Opening hours in Italy

opening hours

A typical Italian working day begins at 8.00 or 9.00 and lasts to 13.00, when is the time for siesta, and then continue from 15.00 to 18.00 or 19.00. Usual working days are Monday to Friday. Ordinary working day that is known in the northern countries of Europe, ie from 9.00 to 17.00 (in Italian “orario continuato”) with an hour

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